North Africa During World War 2

Kasserine Pass

Kasserine Pass

February 19-25, 1943

A battle where Americans and Germans fought in northern Tunisia after German took the country.

Germans and Italians where between two allied forces, one of General Montgomery and the other of the invasion of North Africa.  The Germans where now located in Tunisia.

German Leader: Erwin Rommel

Allies Leader: Lloyd Fredendall

Montgomery controlled Tripoli on January 23, 1943.

Germany attacked the Allies that invaded from the north when they where coming through the mountains.

Rommel and Germany attacked Sidi Bou Zid, and then Sbeitia making the Allies retreat and eventually taking Kasserine Pass.

Rommel decided to give up fighting and retreat with attacks from the Allies, which finally lead to the retaking of Kasserine Pass.  

The Germans rolled over the Allies at the start until they went back.  The U.S. lost a lot of soldiers while fighting in the battles. The American General was taken out of Northern Africa.  He was replaced by George S. Patton

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